I just kinda do what I want when I want to.
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Ellie @VelvetHearted


Over There

Joined on 4/19/21

Exp Points:
3,708 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.07 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1y 10m 23d

VelvetHearted's News

Posted by VelvetHearted - December 31st, 2023

Heya! As of writing this, I'm less than 15 minutes away from the new year. Wacky.

As of this year, I’ve drawn once a month for an entire year, turned 20 years old, finished my first semester of graphic and game design studies, and even opened up about my actual religious beliefs. So…what now?

Don’t get me wrong, 2024 definitely has a lot of potential upcoming for me. I have a lot of dubious little schemes this year, most of which I’d never anticipated happening in a hundred years. I’m genuinely excited to share everything with you all.

I intend on doing more with my personal challenges this year. Gonna try to power through Inktober and Artfight on top of doing my Secret Santa and prior Secret Santa remake again. When the time comes for each respective event, that is. I don’t have many resolutions, but I do have a few and would like if some of you guys would try to remind me of them and hold me to them if possible.

  • Be more physically active
  • Improve as an artist and writer
  • Be better

With all that out of the way, I can now firmly say goodbye to 2023. It’s been a ride, and in all honesty that’s a ride I don’t want to be on again for a long time.

Good came out of it, sure, but a lot of bad did as well. Mainly for my health, be it mental or physical. I’m glad I’ve patched some of the holes I made, and for what it’s worth I’m glad to be in a social circle that I feel like cares about me again, but still. Just meh.

Sayonara 2023. Hope we don’t cross paths again.

See you in 2024, Newgrounds!



Posted by VelvetHearted - December 25th, 2023

we LOVE festivity around these parts

hope everyone has a holly jolly day today. you all deserve it <3

may your presents be many and your coal few


Posted by VelvetHearted - December 7th, 2023

im so tired man college knocked the fuckin wind outta me but hopefully itll be worth it

ik i aint posted much [and i def broke my new years promise but i tried dammit] but i 100% intend on posting more in 2024

lots of shit goin on in my personal life rn but i can "fuck it we ball" my way through anything

my last post of the year is prob gonna be my secret santa and maybe one other thing but thats about it

everyone get rest and stay safe plskthx

Posted by VelvetHearted - September 25th, 2023

This is certainly a new one. 40 art posts but only 4 actual posts showing up. I know there's a fix for it (Thanks to the lovely Umesatro for figuring that out) but still, I don't think I've ever seen something quite like this before.

If anyone wants to know how to fix it, according to user Umesatro here's how:


just posting the screenshot of this happening because i find it funny lol



Posted by VelvetHearted - September 24th, 2023

genuinely very happy rn, first post on newgrounds to have 10 votes :]]]]


this prob isnt that big a deal to most people on here but its a milestone for me so its a huge deal to me :]]]


Posted by VelvetHearted - August 27th, 2023

i remember playing castle crashers for the first time when my friend dragged me over to his house for the night to watch robot chicken and we played random shit on his xbox while we waited. i maxed out blue knight's magic and was getting confused and angry trying to find out why i kept dying

when i got home i actually got my own copy on my xbox and then a few years later i got a pc copy

its a fun game and if you disagree im legally allowed to make your blender magically explode

anyways happy 15th birthday castle crashers thanks for the damn near 10 years of memories, heres to 10 more lmao

Posted by VelvetHearted - July 2nd, 2023

twitters actively collapsing into nothing and dying with the stupid decisions being implemented so i deleted it lol

shouldve deleted it sooner, bro literally renamed the twitter company to "x corp" like theyre a company in a low budget resident evil clone


Posted by VelvetHearted - May 25th, 2023

im about to redesign my mascot's ref sheet again

and also make a new ref sheet for a new mascot because the one im using right now is gonna be repurposed

forget the queen god save me


Posted by VelvetHearted - May 6th, 2023

happy pico day everybody!!!! hope everyones ballin

remember to post pico everywhere


Posted by VelvetHearted - May 1st, 2023

happy birthday tom "the tank engine" fulp