I just kinda do what I want when I want to.
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Ellie @VelvetHearted


Over There

Joined on 4/19/21

Exp Points:
3,322 / 3,600
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Vote Power:
5.97 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1y 7m 25d

VelvetHearted's News

Posted by VelvetHearted - April 24th, 2023

ball O


Posted by VelvetHearted - January 3rd, 2023

hi everyone again

2nd blog post of 2023...3 days in. yeah im glowing brain intelligence

anyhow i wanted to say ty guys for the support on the literal first drawing of 2023, since its my first post on here ever to get 5 ratings and be able to show a publicly displayed rating of 4.63

ive been super happy about this you guys have no clue tysm <33333

i was right about big things coming in 2023 we already reached a milestone before the first week thats insane to me

love you guys, talk more in a bit <3

Posted by VelvetHearted - December 31st, 2022

alright so !!!

hello newgrounders reading this ive thought of something cool

essentially this year im gonna be workin on a lot at once but ive got a promise to make to you all right here right now

im going to be making a minimum of 1 drawing every 2 weeks except for inktober in which case itll be a drawing a day

thats more cool stuff for you to look at!!!!

anyways yeah this will be v ambitious for me but i think you all will like the outcome

see you next year babes <3

Posted by VelvetHearted - December 28th, 2022

Howdy! Been quite a year, eh?

I can with certainty say this year has been good for my art skills and growth both as a creator and as a person. I've changed quite a bit, and I believe you all can say the same. But that was then, this is now. And now, we're heading off into 2023. Wild.

I'll be posting a lot more art this year. A LOT a lot. Maybe some fnf stuff, maybe some madness stuff, definitely some castle crashers stuff, and a lot of oc stuff. I've got big plans for this year and I hope to see you all join me on my journey to improve throughout 2023 as some of you have for 2022.

Big props to all of you. The past 3 years have been hell for all of us, I can say that with at least some certainty. But you've made it through the chaos of the pandemic, and constant infighting in damn-near every corner of the internet. You've survived a lot, as far as I'm concerned you're quite a champion.

So here's to 2023, and hoping it's better than whatever chaos the past 3 years were.

Happy new year!

-Ellie, IvySyndicate

Posted by VelvetHearted - November 18th, 2022

hi there

so now that im fully migrating away from twitter because of a certain someone who shall be left nameless, i wanted to just sort of post an update on how i'm gonna do things (along with a few questions lol)

first of all all my socials are on my linktree, if you wanna find me on other socials thats where they are lol

second i have no idea how this place works when it comes to posting unfinished/wip art, if someone could clarify for me thatd be awesome

thirdly this place is cool, buy the supporter badge <3

yeah thats really it

if you have any questions ask, im fully fine with sharing (most) answers

Posted by VelvetHearted - November 11th, 2022

yo whats up its me

ive been on this site for a few years but kinda abandoned my account because i really never had use for it after i lost motivation for art but i like art again and im gonna post all of my art here even the not so e for everyone stuff

idk i think this place is cool and i'd love to be on this platform if i'm accepted here as a member of newgrounds society

love yall hope we can do cool stuff